NYLN - Board and Nominating Committee opportunities
Posted about 1 month ago by Kim Hedley
Good morning,
The NYLN Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the following positions:
- President Elect (1 opening - two year term then assumes the role of the President for two years): The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President during the President’s absence or inability to act, and shall perform such other duties as are incident to the office of the President-Elect or that may be assigned by the Board or these bylaws. The President-Elect shall chair the Strategic Planning Committee and attend Board meetings.
- Director At-Large (2 openings - each is a two year term): The Director At-Large is a member of the Board of Directors, assists to oversee and direct all the affairs of the NYLN, and attends all Board meetings.
- Nominations Committee Member (2 openings - each is a two year term): The Nominations Committee shall solicit nominations for all officers, Directors, and members of the Nominations Committee who are eligible for election. The committee shall seek nominations from individual members and individual self-nomination for individuals having knowledge of Board operations and an understanding of the competencies required. The Committee prepares the slate of officers and conducts the election via an electronic survey platform.
If you are interested in running for one of the open positions, please contact Kim Hedley (hedleyk@sunyacc.edu) or Susan Birkhead (sfbirk@gmail.com) no later than March 3, 2025.
Thank you,
The Nominations Committee
- Veronica Valazza
- Jessica Varghese
- Susan Birkhead - Board Representative
- Kim Hedley - Board Representative